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GJHS Newsletter 8/19/2022

Week at a Glance:

Monday 8/22

  • MAP ELA testing

  • Panorama student survey in Advisory class

Tuesday 8/23

  • MAP ELA testing

Wednesday 8/24

Thursday 8/25

  • MAP ELA testing

Friday 8/26

  • MAP ELA testing

  • Crazy hair day!

Principal’s Message:

Greenspun Junior High School would like parents to get involved with our School Organizational Team. As a part of NRS388G, Greenspun will elect a School Organizational Team that includes 4 parents/guardians. Please take a moment to consider how you can make a difference at Greenspun Junior High School.


  • Provide input on the school performance plan and budget

  • Provide continued advice to the principal in carrying out the school plan

  • Assist with the selection of the next principal when there is a vacancy


  • Attending training

  • Serve on the team through September 30, 2023, unless your child no longer attends the school

  • Attend meetings at least once per month, outside of school hours

  • Make decisions with the whole school population in mind

  • Work collaboratively and attempt to reach consensus with the team


CLICK HERE to nominate yourself or someone else for the GJHS SOT. All submissions must be received no later than Friday, Aug. 26, 2022.


Elections will take place August 29 - Sept. 2. Eligible voters are any parent or guardian with a student currently enrolled at Greenspun. Please be advised that there can only be one vote per household. GJHS Staff will confirm your identity and cast your vote via the google form you submit. Votes by proxy will not be considered. The email account used in Infinite Campus must be used to vote. Online voting link will be available on our website and in the Greenspun Front Office. CheckIn on the day of the election if you are voting at the school.


Monthly meeting information will be communicated at least three days prior to each scheduled meeting. This communication will include the date, time, and location in efforts to ensure all attendees are present. All meetings will include a time for public comment. We encourage all parents to attend.

A note from the Attendance Office: Please find the new Attendance icon on the home page of the GJHS website for easier access. Notes should be submitted within 3 days of the absence in order to be excused.

Districtwide Assessments

2021-2022 Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT) and Nevada Alternate Assessment (NAA) reports, as well as WIDA Continuing Placement and Reclassification letters will be delivered to homes by September 2. For more information click on the links below.

WIDA screener testing will be held on Tuesday, August 30th, with make up testing held on Wednesday, August 31st and Thursday, September 1st. Students who qualify to take this test will be notified.

Upcoming Events:

Open House will be on Thursday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m. beginning in the school’s gymnasium. This program welcomes families to the community and gives them an opportunity to visit their child’s classes and learn more about teacher classroom expectations.

Math Homework Club starts next week. 6th grade is Monday and Wednesday in room 337 with Mrs. Zuniga. 7th and 8th grade is Monday and Tuesday in room 135 with Mrs. Watson and Thursday in room 133 with Mrs. Heywood. Math homework club is held from 2:15pm to 3:15pm

Friday 8/26 is Crazy Hair Day! Earn a Dolphin Spirit ticket in your first period class for dressing up!

Cassidy's Closet Donation Drive will start next week from August 22nd to August 26th. This drive directly benefits students at GJHS that are in need. We are in need of toiletries, food, and clothing. Food must be shelf stable and not frozen or expired. All donations will be collected in first period classes. Prizes will be given for the class with the highest donations! Questions? Email Ms. Newinski at

All students in Clark County School District can now access FREE tutoring via the "Paper" app in their Clever accounts! Simply log in to Clever and find the Paper app icon. Paper works with hundreds of school districts nationwide to provide a virtual Educational Support System, including 1:1 tutoring across more than 200 subject areas and review of any writing assignments, plus college and career support. Students can access the platform via any device and receive multilingual tutoring and instruction across subjects in English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin.

All eighth grade students will participate in PSAT 8/9 on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, a free of charge test to establish baseline data for students to begin their college to career readiness. The assessment is a pressure-free way for students as they start exploring their pathway to college and a future career. We appreciate your support of this test. To learn more about the PSAT 8/9, please visit

GJHS Running Club is coming soon! Stay tuned to the daily announcements and the Clubs & Activities page of our website!

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