Week at a Glance:
Monday 10/10
First day of the 2nd quarter
Tuesday 10/11
Flag football @Brown JHS -- girls@4:00pm boys@5:15pm
Wednesday 10/12
8th grade PSAT
No Library club
Thursday 10/13
Friday 10/14
Halloween Movie Dress Up Day
GVHS Homecoming
Principal’s Message:
New Nine Weeks; New Beginning
The first nine weeks has come to a close, and it is report card time! You will be able to view your child’s first quarter report card on Infinite Campus next week.
This is a great time to ask your children to self-reflect on their performance in their classes. This is a great time to ask them what goals they have set for the second nine weeks. And, most importantly, this is a great time for you to ask your child, “Do you have a plan, and how can I help?”
Grace Chen, education writer for the Public Review, states, “Extensive research shows students achieve more in school when their parents are involved in their education. She explains that “parental involvement enhances their children’s attitude toward school, academic achievement, and positive classroom behavior.”
Setting positive expectations, establishing a homework routine, reaching out to their teachers, and ensuring healthy sleep habits are all part of a plan that will assist you with your children’s success. In addition, utilizing Infinite Campus and the Canvas Parent Observer role will enable you to track your children’s progress, missing assignments, and grades.
With the close of the first nine weeks comes the perfect opportunity to evaluate your children’s past performance and help them revise their plan to ensure a successful second nine weeks.
Events & Honors:
Infinite Campus Parent portal/Student portal: Parents, please continue to monitor your child’s grades in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you need an activation code, please contact Stephany Blanco, office manager, or Mr. Slocum, school librarian, for assistance.
Did you know that Greenspun Student Council is on Instagram? Follow us at @greenspun.stuco to know all about school events, activities, fun and more! We also play games and give prizes to our followers! Follow us today! Go Dolphins!
GJHS Candy Election begins on October 3 Students will vote for their favorite candy in the candy primaries on October 14! The winning candies will go on to the final election to see what candy is the ultimate winner on October 27! Who will be crowned the top candy?
DOLPHIN GEAR PRE-ORDER starts today! You can pre-order your dolphin gear t-shirts on the student council website! Go to greenspunstuco.com to order! We have lots of options to choose from starting at just $10 each! The pre-order closes on 10/21/22! Don't delay! Order your SPIRIT GEAR today!!
GVHS Homecoming: On Friday, October 14, 2022 your GJHS Student Council will be helping our Green Valley Gators celebrate their Homecoming! The homecoming parade starts at 4 pm at Arroyo Grande park. After the parade is a carnival at GVHS from 4:30-6:30 pm! The game is at 7 pm on the field! Come help us support our sister school!
The Accelerated Reader Points contest prize drawing is next week, October 10-14. Students will receive one prize ticket for every AR point they earned during 1st quarter. Bring your prize tickets to the library all next week for a chance to win awesome prizes, including a Nintendo Switch OLED! Prize tickets are distributed in 6th grade reading and 7th & 8th grade English classes.
SOCKTOBER is coming! During the week of October 17-October 21, Student Council will be collecting new pairs of socks for the homeless shelter! Did you know that socks are one of the most commonly requested items at the shelter? Socks should be turned in to first period teachers! The winning class will earn a pizza or donut party!
Shout Out to our Greenspun Running Club Runners! In only two weeks of joining, these awesome students ran 112 miles. Great teamwork! Thanks everyone, Ms. Lopez
Yearbook: 8th grade farewell ads are now on sale! Yearbooks are more than just a history of your child's year- they are a capsule that stirs nostalgia in years, or even decades, down the road. Give your graduating 8th grader something special in their yearbook. Recognize your graduate with a farewell ad! Ads can be purchased and created at jostensyearbooks.com
School Organizational Team: The next Greenspun JHS SOT meeting will be on Wednesday, November 16 at 2:30pm. Click here for GJHS SOT information.
PSAT: All eighth grade students will participate in PSATs on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. This is a no cost test to establish baseline data for students to begin their college and career readiness. The assessment is a pressure-free way for students as they start exploring their pathway to college and a future career. We appreciate your support of this test. To learn more about the PSAT 8/9, please visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-8-9.
The fine arts department did an amazing job with their fundraising efforts! Over 180 kids participated in the fundraiser, raising over $20,000 to cover very important expenses such as new instruments, new risers, and art supplies. Band even reached their goal of $7,500! Donations are still being accepted at the Greenspun Webstore. Advertisements will be sold in October and November.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information.
Greenspun Gallery:
Photos courtesy of the GJHS Digital Storytelling class, under the instruction of Ms. Juliano
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Follow us on Twitter @greenspunjHS