Week at a Glance:
Tuesday 4/5
Math SBAC testing 8am - 10:50am
Boys soccer at Cortney JHS - 3:30pm
Wednesday 4/6
Math SBAC testing 8am - 10:50am
Thursday 4/7
8th Grade Student Council Shadow Day @GVHS
Spring Break: April 11-18 (classes resume April 19)
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information.
Fine Arts Week at GJHS was a huge success! Thank you to all who participated. You can view the live streamed concert playback here: Fine Arts Week livestream event
JV Quiz: Greenspun's JV Quiz team has made the finals, and the championship will be aired on PBS Channel 10 studio in April!
Orchestra: Congratulations to the Advanced orchestra on receiving superior ratings (the highest ratings) at the CCSD Orchestra Festival last week
Accelerated Reader: Congratulations to Mr. Hergenrader's English classes for earning 1,671.5 AR points last quarter! Together, they read 235 books, for a total of 11.7 million words! Mr. Hergenrader is looking forward to his classes earning even more points this quarter!
Colorguard: Congratulations to the GJHS Colorguard for taking 1st place in the competition at Desert Pines HS on March 26th! The Championships are being held this weekend on April 2 at Foothill HS.
Upcoming Events:
Rubios Fundraising Event for GJHS Robotics: Thank you all for your fundraising support to help us to be able to send our qualifying robotics teams to the World Championships in Dallas, TX! The robotics teams will continue selling Boba tea in the cafeteria on Fridays during all lunches, and we will be hosting a fundraising event at Rubio’s at 1500 N. Green Valley Pkwy on Wednesday, April 6 from 2pm - 8pm. Come and enjoy a delicious Rubios dinner, and 30% of the proceeds will be donated to the Greenspun robotics team!
SBAC and CRT Testing:
Math SBAC testing: April 5-6
ELA SBAC testing: April 20-22
Make-ups: April 25-29
Important Announcements
Important Update on School Identification Badges and Lanyards
Your child’s safety is important to us. That is why it is imperative for us to be able to identify each student on our campus at all times, and why we require them to wear lanyards with their school identification cards attached.
Please remind your children that they must come to school wearing their identification badges and lanyards. Beginning Monday, April 4, 2022, we will no longer give students loaner lanyards.
Students who come to school without their ID and lanyard will be placed in In-House for the day. They will not be permitted to attend classes without their IDs and lanyards. If they lose their IDs or lanyards, they can purchase new ones for $1.00 each in the Student Success Center before or after school or during their lunch period.
We appreciate all of your continued support in a combined effort to keep all students, faculty, and families safe on and off our campus.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Follow us on Twitter @greenspunjhs