Week at a Glance:
Monday 8/15
MAP Testing in Science
Tuesday 8/16
MAP Testing in Science
Boys & Girls Flag Football tryouts
Wednesday 8/17
MAP Testing in Science
MAP Testing in Math
Boys & Girls Flag Football tryouts
Thursday 8/18
MAP Testing in Math
Boys & Girls Flag Football tryouts
Cheerleading tryouts
Kona Ice fundraiser
Friday 8/19
MAP Testing in Math
Principal’s Message:
Welcome to Greenspun Junior High School. We are looking forward to a wonderful school year as we promote academics, social and emotional learning, as well as a positive school culture. Our staff is committed to creating an innovative and high quality learning environment as they engage middle school-aged students through a variety of technology and 21st Century instruction. Our primary goal is to help all students to be successful.
We offer numerous opportunities through our curriculum and extracurricular activities. Our school community has a tradition of excellence in academics, athletics, robotics, and the arts. We encourage our students to get involved and welcome your participation. With your support, our school will become an even stronger educational institution that prepares students to become life-long learners and productive citizens.
Parents, you are a big part of who we are, and we invite you to help us continue our story. Please share your perspectives with us and let us know how things are going for you and your child at Greenspun. We pride ourselves on being a family and maintaining open communication. Please visit our school web page to keep you up to date on the latest news. Our website, school newsletter, Twitter account, and Parentlink will provide you with the most current information. Please use these key sources for general information, but feel free to call us whenever you need your questions answered. Our office number is (702) 799-0920.
Visitor Procedures
Greenspun utilizes a single point of entry, which is through the front office. All visitors must provide the proper identification and check in at the front office. No visitors will be permitted to roam the campus or visit classrooms without the accompaniment of CCSD school personnel.
Safety in the Parking Lot
Parents, we know that dropping and picking up students before and after school can be challenging, so we are asking for your patience and cooperation. Making u-turns in the middle of Valle Verde in front of the school and in gated community entrances are prohibited. Also, please be reminded that it is illegal to park in the fire lane. Violators could be ticketed by CCSD police .In addition, cones are placed in our front parking lot from 2:10 pm - 2:20 pm in order to allow students to safely exit the building. Please be respectful of these procedures in order to keep everyone safe and eliminate accidents.
Message from the Student Success Center
Your children are important to us, and safety is our number one priority.
We are looking forward to an exciting and successful school year. One of our major goals is to maintain a safe campus. Therefore, we expect our students to adhere to the following policies as part of our safety plan.
All students must wear an ID on a lanyard at all times. This gives us the means to identify Greenspun students and those who do not belong on our campus. Lanyards are provided by the school. However, your child may wear their own lanyard as long as it is school appropriate. Students will not be permitted to attend any of their classes without the proper identification and will complete their school work in In-House. Please discuss the importance of student IDs with your child, as well as ways they can remember to bring them each day. Students can buy replacement IDs and lanyards for $1.00 each in the Student Success Center or Library before 8 a.m., during their lunch period, or after school. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
No cell phones are allowed in class or in the hallways. Students may use their cell phone before school, during lunch, or after school. Students' phones will be confiscated if they are used during prohibited times and can be picked up in the Student Success Center by a parent or guardian at the end of the school day. We ask that you please monitor your child’s cell phone to ensure they are not visiting inappropriate sites or engaging in unsafe and unlawful challenges through social media.
Students must attend class in the proper CCSD School Dress Code attire. The school dress code will be strictly enforced. For more information about our dress code, please visit the Student Handbook link on our school website.
Upcoming Events:
Open House will be on Thursday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m. beginning in the school’s gymnasium. This program welcomes families to the community and gives them an opportunity to visit their child’s classes and learn more about teacher classroom expectations.
Flag Football tryouts for both boys and girls will be held on August 16th, 17th, and 18th from 2:30-3:30 on the Greenspun Field. Students must have a Register My Athlete account and have all the paperwork completed, including the physical. Students who completed these forms last year will have to complete them again, as they expire at the end of each calendar year. If the forms are not complete, the student will not be allowed to try out. To register, visit www.RegisterMyAthlete.com.
Color Guard practice starts Aug 23rd in the gym from 2:30-4:30. All experience levels are welcome. All genders are welcome. All grade levels are welcome. EVERYONE is welcome!
Please wear moveable clothes and bring yourself water and a snack. See you there!!!!
Students, Thursday, August 18, will be our Student Council Meet and Greet in the quad by the cafeteria from 2:15-3:15. Come by to meet our board members, learn about Student Council, and sign up if you are interested! Everyone is welcome to join! Hope to see you there!
The last day to submit applications to try out for the 2022-2023 robotics team is Monday, August 15 at 3:00 pm. Application information can be found by clicking this link http://greenspunrobotics.weebly.com/. Please email Ms. Juliano at juliacm@nv.ccsd.net with any questions.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Follow us on Twitter @greenspunjHS