Week at a Glance:
Monday 8/29
SOT voting opens
MAPs make-up (Math, reading and science)
Tuesday 8/30
SOT voting open
MAPs make-up (Math, reading and science)
Wednesday 8/31
SOT voting open
MAPs make-up (Math, reading and science)
Progress Reports (Quarter 1)
Thursday 9/1
SOT voting open
MAPs make-up (Math, reading and science)
Progress Reports (Quarter 1)
Friday 9/2
SOT voting closes
MAPs make-up (Math, reading and science)
Progress Reports (Quarter 1)
Principal’s Message
Parents, how many times have you asked your children if they have homework, and they look at you cluelessly and reply, “I don’t know.”
Save yourself endless frustration by becoming a Canvas Observer of your student’s account. Although Infinite Campus is a great tool to check your students progress, it does not have a feature that enables you to see assignments before they are due.
Parent Observers will be able to
Get email updates from each class.
See upcoming assignments and due dates
View your student's grades for the class and individual assignments
And much more!
Furthermore, if you become a Canvas Observer, instead of asking your child if he has homework, you can ask something like this: “Did you start your argument essay that is due by the end of the week?
Parents/guardians can access student progress reports and report cards through Infinite Campus Parent Portal by clicking on the Documents Tab on the Index Menu. This method allows immediate access for parents/guardians to review students’ progress and grades. As parents/guardians have immediate access to grades through Campus Parent, schools will no longer print and distribute progress reports, and the District will no longer print and mail report cards home. Parents/Guardians who require a printed report may contact their student’s school to request a copy. For more information about Infinite Campus Parent Portal, please visit https://www.ccsd.net/parents/infinite-campus.php
Upcoming Events:
Friday, August 26 is the last day to nominate someone for Greenspun’s SOT. Voting will take place online Aug. 29 - Sept. 2. CLICK HERE to nominate yourself or someone else for the GJHS SOT
2021-2022 Criterion-Referenced Test (CRT) and Nevada Alternate Assessment (NAA) reports, as well as WIDA Continuing Placement and Reclassification letters will be delivered to homes by September 2. For more information click on the links below.
Open House will be on Thursday, September 8th, at 6:00 p.m, beginning in the school’s gymnasium. This program welcomes families to the community and gives them an opportunity to visit their child’s classes and learn more about teacher classroom expectations.
Color Guard practice is off to a great start. Practice is Tue/ Wed EVERY week from 2:30-4:30 in the gym. If you missed last week, you can still come this week. Tryouts will be in a month or so. You still have plenty of time to learn. ALL ARE WELCOME!!!!!
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Greenspun September 9-16. More information is coming soon about online shopping and parent volunteer opportunities! Email Mr. Slocum at slocuac@nv.ccsd.net if you have any questions!
The Fine Arts Department is starting their annual Donation Drive on Monday, August 29 through Friday, September 16. If you would like to support one of these programs, click on the donation button on our Greenspun webstore! Thanks so much for all your support!
Math homework club begins next week, Aug. 29th. Please visit our Clubs and Activities page for more information!
WIDA screener testing will be on Tuesday, August 30th, with make-up testing on Wednesday, August 31st, and Thursday, September 1st. Students who qualify to take this test will be notified.
All eighth grade students will participate in PSATs on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. This is a no cost test to establish baseline data for students to begin their college and career readiness. The assessment is a pressure-free way for students as they start exploring their pathway to college and a future career. We appreciate your support of this test. To learn more about the PSAT 8/9, please visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-8-9.
Running club is coming soon! Stay tuned to the daily announcements and the Clubs & Activities page of our website!
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information.
Check the GJHS calendar for more events & information:
View daily announcements on our Youtube channel!
Follow us on Twitter @greenspunjHS