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Hybrid Re-opening

All of the information you need about returning back to the classroom at GJHS

Families may continue to submit questions to our presenters, and answers will be provided via email.

CLICK HERE to submit questions to the presenters

(last updated April 6, 2021.  Information in red is new since the previous update.)



Greenspun Parents and Guardians,


We are excited to transition to the hybrid instructional model at Greenspun Junior High School. All students will participate in four classes daily, regardless of their cohort assignment. The difference is some students will attend classes face-to face, while others will participate from home. In addition, class times for each period have been modified to meet CCSD regulation.




  • Cohort A sixth-grade students will begin IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION Monday, March 22, 2021.

  • Cohort B sixth-grade students will begin IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION Thursday, March 25, 2021.

  • Cohort A seventh and eighth grade students will begin IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION Tuesday, April 6, 2021.

  • Cohort B seventh and eighth grade students will begin IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION Thursday, April 8, 2021.

  • Cohort C (grades 6-8) will continue distance education at home, but will follow the same daily schedule as A and B.


CCSD has provided a comprehensive website with a variety of information in relation to our district’s staggered reopening of buildings. Visit to learn more.


Again, we are excited to welcome students back to our campus. We will keep you informed of any additions to these plans. As always, the health and safety of our staff and students will be our priority. We appreciate your continued patience and partnership as we begin offering opportunities for students to return to campus.


  • Prior to arriving on campus each day, parents must complete a daily health screening for their child ensuring students are eligible to be on campus.


  • The Clark County School District would like to remind all parents about checking for student health symptoms before sending students to school. 

    If your child is not feeling well or has any symptoms of COVID-19, has been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or tested positive with COVID-19, they must stay home from school. Please notify the school nurse immediately if any of these occur. 

    Here are 5 questions that parents should ask before sending their student to school each day includes:


  1. Does my student have a new cough that cannot be attributed to another health condition?

  2. Does my student have new shortness of breath that cannot be attributed to another health condition?

  3. Does my student have any one of the symptoms: symptoms: fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher), chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, increasing congestion, runny nose, or new loss of taste or smell?

  4. Has my student come into close contact (within six feet for more than 15 minutes over a 24-hour period) with someone who has a laboratory-confirmed covid-19 diagnosis in the past 14 days?

  5. Has my student received a laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 diagnosis in the last 10 days?

To learn more about hybrid instruction and to watch a video about parent protocols, visit


  • Students will be provided breakfast upon entrance into the building and will take it to their classrooms.​​​​


  • Students should bring the following items to school each day: their school-issued Chromebook, a water bottle, and instrument if they have music class.


  • Lockers are prohibited by the CCSD during hybrid. 


  • Students will be required to enter/exit through a designated door and location.



  • Backpacks are not allowed unless a student is a bike rider. There will be a cart with "bag check" when they arrive at school, and the backpack will be returned to the student during their last class of the day before dismissal. They will not be allowed to carry a backpack around campus.  If your child is a walker and also has an instrument, they can bring a backpack and will also check their backpack in.


  • Rooms will be arranged to strictly adhere to CCSD guidelines.


  • Students will remain in their assigned seats for the duration of the time on campus, observing the social distance guidelines at all times.


  • Students are required to wear masks the entire time while on campus.



  • Sharing of classroom items and supplies will not be permitted. 


  • Students will be required to use a Greenspun Chromebook while on campus.  We are not able to support, troubleshoot, monitor, nor secure personal electronic devices on campus.  If your child does not already have a Greenspun Chromebook, please submit the "Chromebook Guidelines Agreement" on the Chromebooks page of our website, so that we can check out a Chromebook to your child. Our technology team will prepare a GJHS Chromebook for your child, and have it ready in your child's first period class on the day he or she returns to school!  The GJHS Chromebook should be taken home and transported back and forth to school for hybrid learning.


  • Students will need to bring their own earbuds or headphones for class.


  • Students will transition only when necessary, in alignment with CCSD guidelines. Visits to the restroom will be restricted to one student at a time. One passing period will occur.


  • Students will attend their last two class periods at home from 12:10 - 2:11 p.m. Upon their dismissal at 11:40 a.m., they will be provided lunch in a “grab and go" format.


  • Desks will be sanitized daily following student dismissal. Our custodial staff will clean and sanitize high touch surfaces throughout the day.​​​​​​


  • Students are encouraged to bring a personal water bottle for the day as access to water fountains will be prohibited.





Thank you in advance for partnering with us to embark on this exciting path to welcoming students back to campus.


Greenspun Administration

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